The 600th Post

Aug 9, 2016 11:15
This is my 600th post.

Although there were some dangerous days, I managed to continue to write English without a day off.

Also, my university will have Bon holidays from tomorrow until a week later.

Bon is a Japanese event that enshrines spirits of our ancestors, and we often held festivals and visit graves during Bon.

You may have heard the word "Bon Odori" (odori means dancing), which is often performed in Bon Festival.

Bon Odori was originally performed for recognizing ancestral spirits, but the religious meaning has gradually faded.

Recently, Bon Odori and Bon Festival are popular as entertainment events.






No. 1 josh's correction
  • This is my 600th post.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Although there were some dangerous days, I managed to continue to write English without a day off.
  • Although there were some dangerous days, I managed to continue to write one English post everyday, without missing a day off.
     "there were some dangerous days" sounds very unnatural in this context.
    "Although I was in danger of missing my target, I managed to continue to write one English post everyday, without missing a day."

    "In danger" also sounds very extreme. Like something bad would have happened to you if you didn't do it.
    You could tone it down by saying, "Although I came close to missing my target, I managed to continue to write one English post everyday, without missing a day."

    Personally, I would say,
    "Although I sometimes came close to missing my target of writing one English post a day, I managed to continue it everyday for 600 days."
  • Also, my university will have Bon holidays from tomorrow until a week later.
  • Also, my university will be having Bon holidays, from which begins tomorrow until and will last a week later.
  • Bon is a Japanese event that enshrines spirits of our ancestors, and we often held festivals and visit graves during Bon.
  • Bon is a Japanese event that enshrines spirits of our ancestors, and we often hold festivals and visit graves during Bon this time.
  • You may have heard the word "Bon Odori" (odori means dancing), which is often performed in Bon Festival.
  • You may have heard of the word "Bon Odori" (odori means dancing), which is often performed in Bon Festivals.
     Either "...performed in Bon Festivals"
    or "...performed in a Bon Festival"
  • Bon Odori was originally performed for recognizing ancestral spirits, but the religious meaning has gradually faded.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Recently, Bon Odori and Bon Festival are popular as entertainment events.
  • Recently These days, Bon Odori and Bon Festival are popular as entertainment events.
Thank you very much for the helpful corrections!
いいですね、私もいつかシンガポールのお祭りに行ってみたいです :)